Immortal Technique – Al Jazeera News piece

Monday, July 14th, 2008 | News

Controversial rapper and political theorist Immortal Technique, has again spoken publicly on his views with regard to the current political situation in America, this time on Al Jazeera News, a 24 hour Middle Eastern news channel broadcasted in English. Known for his strong opinions and raw style of poetry rap, Immortal Technique often touches on themes of the struggles of Latin American people especially with equality and finding their sense of identity in the US.

Immortal Technique’s intensity always seems to be calmed by his powerful use of the English language. He is not alone in the hip hop world in being vocal in recent, and especially the current US election. A collaboration formed by of Black Eyed Peas creating ‘YES WE CAN’, a musical score written to a presidential election speech given by Barack Obama.

Really highlights why Immortal is known for his raw style. If you plan on listening to more of his album’s… make sure you listen to them alone first, so you know when to skip some graphically detailed tracks in different social groups, honestly.

You can check out more of Immortal Technique’s music at:


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